You can find the rest of the pictures HERE
In case you ain't heard, Compression got far more out of hand last week than expected. The ladies rocked the dance in force, and Compression crew ripped it like it was for TV. Asses were grabbed.
But now, running downhill toward the drum and bass armageddon that's sure to be the February 21st GOLDIE show, it's time to honor tradition and throw our annual GET DRUNK AND DANCE PARTY.

Time to get more stupid than usual and SHAKE IT. We got a THREE DOLLAR BEER special and a FIVE DOLLAR drink special and it's FREE at the door. So do the math: if you tip a dollar a drink (and you'd better), you can drink FIVE beers for 20 bucks. Then, you can take your shirt off and friggen GET DOWN. That's how we do it, and to make sure it's cracking, we're bringing out the mighty

with support from Sharp, Ivry, & El Colon
Photos by La Loca